Saturday, March 20, 2010

40 Moves.

Today, winter finally left Cincinnati. I woke up this morning to a hundred chirpping birds outside of Alice's window. After the annoyance of the sound subsided, I accepted the cacophony as spring announcing its official arrival.

It's been a long winter. Winter break ended immediately and suddenly we were thrust into this hell hole of time sucking activities that buried our emotions under two feet of snow and stress. And now it all seems like a blur. I vaguely remember the events, faintly coloring in details that reflect my current mentality and obscuring those that remind me of past hurt. It feels like whatever happened was just a nightmare and as haunting as it was at the time, I can do nothing about it but live with the consequences. Perhaps the memories are less like nightmares and more like hazy drunk stupors. In the moment, the whole situation felt surreal and wonderful but, in the morning, as more recollections come back to you, the only prevalent thought is: "I did what?"

As spring dawns, I can only hope that everything that happened has happened for a reason and a purpose. The rebirth of spring can only call me to make less mistakes then I did in the static landscape of winter. I can only be expected not to repeat my blunders.

I challenge you all to revisit the hazy details of the past three months. Maybe even make a list of all of the significant events (for all of you who took Script this quarter with Burnham: your own personal 40 moves) that took place over this quarter. Everything good, everything bad, everything that you pray will never happen again. Take a moment to look at those events as you are now, through your current lenses. Then decide what you'll learn from each one of those moments. See the lesson in the absurdity.

To Do List for Everyday in Spring Quarter:
1. Make someone smile.
2. Make someone laugh.
3. Make someone cry...from too much laughter.
4. Tell someone "I love you."
5. Find a flower and let it know how beautiful it is.
6. Look a friend in the eye and tell him or her: "Thank you for being a part of my life."
7. Think of something to write for #7.
8. Be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. i am going to print out this list and hang it on my wall.

    you're truly inspiring.
