Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We expected something, something better than before.

Last night, a friend of mine responded to my blog post. He told me a story of how ultimate frisbee helped him survive freshman year here. Then he told me to find my frisbee.

Senior year of high school, you are sitting at your computer with the collegeboard up. An immense amount of colleges and universities sit in a never ending drop down list, just a mouse click away and you are thinking: "What on God's green earth do I want to do with the rest of my life?" And then you cogitate on what you love to do and what you are good at you and you have to seriously consider making something you love into a job.

Senior year of high school, stage management was my passion and my job. I knew nothing else that brought me that amount of joy and accomplishment. And now I am here at CCM "doing what I love" and I wonder if this is what stage management was destined to become, just my career and no longer the fire within me.

Freshman year of college, I am "living the dream" and looking for what brings me joy and reignites me and teaches me about myself. So I return to these things that has always been with me: my words. These are my medium and my first love. I've decided that I need to make sure that I don't let this part of me die. I need to just write it out sometimes and share with everyone.

Freshman year of college and I am going to start writing the first 'serious' play I've started since junior year of high school. I want it to scream for me and tell everyone what I want them to hear right now. And I want to perform it here because I want CCM to know that this kid is about making her own way and leaving her own unique mark wherever she goes. And I am going to do it.

Writing is my frisbee.


  1. do not ever let your frisbee go. Mine is reading and it has helped me get through CCM.

  2. this frisbee kid sounds pretty awesome...
